What happened in the Re-Alliance network in 2022? What are the plans for 2023?
As we look at the changes to our world in the past year, we can see that regeneration is needed now more than ever. In a world challenged by war, the increasing cost of living, and the worsening effects of the climate and nature crises, it has been an immensely challenging year for grassroots regenerative groups.
And yet amidst these challenges, Re-Alliance members have guided the way in showcasing how community-led regenerative responses to disaster, displacement, and development can be truly transformative and impactful.
Read on to out more about what our members have been doing over the past year, and what projects Re-Alliance has been working on.
Regenerative Guidelines Projects
In 2022, we began collaborating with eight member organisations to launch pilot regenerative projects in displacement contexts as part of our broader Regenerative Camps and Settlements Guidelines project. The learnings from the projects will inform our wider research into regenerative responses to disaster and displacement and create content for further learning materials and knowledge sharing aimed at promoting grass-roots, community led interventions, as well as aiming to influence mainstream INGO activities. Keep an eye on our social media, as a second round of funding may be possible in 2023.
Tune in to
Re-Alliance Radio
In 2022, we launched Re-Alliance Radio, a podcast series focussed on applications of regenerative paradigms, principles, and practices to the humanitarian and development sectors.
In our most recent episode we celebrated the achievements of some of our members. Thank you to Sarah from Green Releaf, Jerry from Fambidzanai, Samatha from Nourish All, Bemeriki from Rwamwanja Rural Foundation, Noah from YICE Uganda, Bee from Strawbuild, and Paulinho from Unidos Social Centre.
"I witnessed the true power of Permaculture for Refugees: community building and peace building." - Samantha Koches
Webinars and meetings
In the past year we also hosted some communities of practice alongside our sister organisation, Regenerosity, who focus on regeneration in philanthropy, and philanthropy for regeneration. We facilitated two geographical networks of amazing regenerative practitioners, in India and in East Africa, and supported our colleagues in hosting another Peer Learning Circle in the Amazon region.
The peer group from India recently hosted a webinar for the Re-Alliance community, sharing their experience of being a part of this peer learning process.
Looking toward 2023
Members' profile pages
A core aim of Re-Alliance is to raise the profile of regenerative approaches to disaster, displacement and development.
We aim to achieve this through facilitating the collection, production, and presentation of evidence and stories from regenerative practitioners to showcase the effectiveness and value of regenerative work. We've listened to feedback from our members that often those involved in implementing these approaches may not have much time to collect stories and evidence of their own work.
As part of this we are creating members' profile pages on our website where member organisations have their own, individual pages. This will be a space to showcase the work of our members, and will be able to be searched like a directory, especially great for those who don’t already have much of an online presence. We aim for this to grow in its scope and functionality over time.
If you are a member and would like to be included in this directory, we have created a short form in which you can enter all of the relevant information. We will then follow up with you to share a draft page, to ask for any further information, and to discuss opportunities for case studies and articles that we can co-create to support and showcase your work.
2023's new program of events
In line with our mission to showcase and advance regenerative practice across the sectors of humanitarianism and development, Re-Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of two new series of themed events, each running bimonthly.
Community of Practice Sessions invite you to join your peers in congregating around a guiding theme. Ask questions, showcase your work, share your knowledge and expertise, discuss your challenges, and receive inspiration and practical tips from the wisdom of the network.
Each workshop in the Designing Regenerative Change Series focuses on a different stage of a regenerative design process. Grounded in regenerative paradigms and principles, and contextualised with inspiring real world examples from Re-Alliance members, you will be guided on steps you can take to bring your regenerative vision to life.
A shareable poster outlining this programme can be found here.
Additional events will be added during the year in response to member feedback and emergent themes. Visit re-alliance.org/events to keep up to date with all of our events and to add them to your own calendar. These events are open to all, and Re-Alliance members receive additional materials. If you are not yet a member, find out more and join our network at re-alliance.org/join.
Wishing you and your communities an abundant, fruitful and safe 2023.