Applewood Permaculture Centre
Besides broadening the understanding and practise of permaculture amongst its cohorts of trainees, Chris highlights another fundamental - albeit unnamed - outcome Appelwood’s courses and experiences: enabling people to reconnect with nature, something he deems a fundamental part of what they do.
Meanwhile, Looby’s work focuses on the human dimension of permaculture which, in many ways, should be the priority of Appelwood’s work, says Chris:
“We need to find a way to engage people in Earth care, rather than the other way around. It’s people we need to deal with, not soil or trees. If we get the first one right, then the rest will come. The Earth care piece is actually quite simple - we know how to do it”
Three pillars guide Applewood’s work and inform its theory of changs - “Demonstrate, Educate, Replicate” - drawing inspiration from the Himalayan Permaculture Centre which led to its existence