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Incrementar el impacto y la influencia de las respuestas regenerativas a los desastres, el desplazamiento y el desarrollo.

Re-Alliance promueve una visión regenerativa para los sectores humanitarios y de desarrollo.

Somos una coalición de profesionales regenerativos, educadores, trabajadores humanitarios y de ayuda, y formuladores de políticas. Desde la permacultura en asentamientos de refugiados hasta la construcción ecológica en regiones propensas a desastres y la recolección de agua en áreas gravemente afectadas por el empeoramiento del cambio climático, nuestros miembros muestran cómo podemos crear estabilidad, resiliencia y abundancia, incluso en tiempos de crisis.

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Winnie from YICE Uganda presents Ecosan composting toilets

Winnie from YICE Uganda presents Ecosan composting toilets

Join Winnie Tushabe, co-founder of YICE Uganda, and Ecosan user Uwizeye Salima, in exploring Ecosans. In the Nakivale refugee camp in Uganda, refugees are given a small plot of land to build a dwelling and farm food on. Re-Alliance's partner organisation YICE Uganda (Youth Initiative for Community Empowerment) is working with families to create kitchen gardens but yields are limited because the soil is poor. Re-Alliance and YICE collaborated to build eight urine diverting dry toilets (or ‘Ecosan’ toilets) for families. By separating the urine and faeces, the volume of composting waste is reduced, extending the capacity of the compost chamber and giving an immediate source of fertiliser in the form of urine, which, when diluted 1:10 - 1:20 with water, is an excellent fertiliser rich in nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Diverting the urine away stops the compost chamber from becoming anaerobic and smelly and the addition of wood ash or saw dust, after using the toilet, acts as a dehydrating cover material. This design used recycled plastic barrels as containers for the faeces, which ensures no ground pollution. Once nearly full, the barrel is moved aside and replaced with a fresh barrel. With the hot composting achieved inside the barrels, compost can be created in under 12 months in the Ugandan climate. The compost is used to enrich the soil around fruiting trees and bushes. Find out more about this design and create your own with our free guides on .
Designing Regenerative Change | Adapting

Designing Regenerative Change | Adapting

Welcome to Re-Alliance’s Designing Regenerative Change series. Each of these bimonthly sessions focuses on a different stage of regenerative design processes. Grounded in regenerative paradigms and principles, and contextualised with inspiring real world examples from Re-Alliance members and the wider community, you will be guided on steps you can take to bring your regenerative vision to life. The topic of this session is Adaptation. As our contexts are always changing, and as our communities grow and evolve, or if we are faced with disasters or crises, how might we adapt to best meet ever changing needs? Join along with the activity here: We are joined by special guest Jehane Akiki, founder of Farms Not Arms, a collective of designers, farmers, strategists, and agriculturalists who have come together to build an integrated, multi-agricultural educational farm model that heals land, health, and community. Farms Not Arms' first farm is in the Beqaa, Lebanon, bringing together refugees and host communities to increase food security, ease climate change, and promote social cohesion. To find out more about re-alliance events, visit Welcome: (0:00) Introducing Jehane Akiki: (7:15) How do Farms Not Arms integrate adaptive processes?: (12:20) Dispersed decision-making: (15:54) Coming back to your Vision: (18:17) Activity: (24:22)

Únase a nuestra membresía

Como parte de nuestra red, ya sea un profesional de base o un miembro de una ONG internacional u organización de ayuda, tendrá acceso a conocimientos dinámicos, una comunidad de expertos vibrante y activa y una gran cantidad de oportunidades de colaboración. Nuestra membresía está abierta a todos. Los únicos requisitos son interés, comprensión o experiencia en diseño regenerativo, experiencia en los sectores humanitarios o de desarrollo y la voluntad de cumplir con nuestro código de conducta y políticas.

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Para conocer historias inspiradoras de nuestra red de profesionales de todo el mundo y aprender cómo integrar el diseño regenerativo en contextos humanitarios y de desarrollo, suscríbase a nuestro boletín a continuación.

Podemos apoyarte

Re-Alliance y nuestros miembros han organizado varios programas de capacitación para organizaciones y agencias humanitarias y de desarrollo. Podemos ayudarlo a usted y a su organización a integrar paradigmas y prácticas regenerativas en su operación, intervenciones y políticas. Contáctanos para concertar una reunión y saber más.

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